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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

heya ppl..so sry:/ never update my blog for so long le..
cos i no com at home..den i also lazy to type..i a bit siao one..can lazy type..also can lazy to talk..i everything also lazy de la:)haha:)anyway..i hope you all will welcome me back to my blogging:)
actually i didnt really wanna update this blog le lor..but den i not rreally good wid computer stuff..den dunno why the template dat i like cannot make it la..so nvm..i'm continuing in this blog:)
ok done..i type this also wanna sleep le..super boring..

Blogged @ Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Don't let me go -

Sunday, February 3, 2008

friday jane and i went to NAFA..okay it started like this...

we rushed home cos the open house will be ending at 5 30pm..dat day was lower sec chapel so rite after school we follow cindy go see her gb notice board den we had to walk from the main gate cos the back gate was closed...so we were walking and talking(should be bout cuckoo..joojoo bird and lion's nest ba)den we saw the bus and we started running..den there were this group of malay guys kicking a waterbottle on the floor and they were blocking our way..ta ma de..i was like saying excuse me but only those at the back moved..i was so damn fed up la...by the time we reached the bus stop, the bus left..i was damn angry la..saying all the gentle vulgar words..wad the hell!!make me miss the bus over a water bottle..anyway after that i met my mummy and daddy..den i saw a lady in red holding an umbrella walking to the bus stop...her body was like so sexy la but her face was covered by the umbrella...den when she at the bus stop le she folded the umbrella..from a closer view her hands looked old..her armpits were saggy and when i saw her face,i got a shock la..she looked damn old lor..i wondered if i would be like her next time...anyway i rushed home..bathed and changed..wanted to eat but no food at home..so sad lor..i was damn hungry la..den i rushed to causeway cos i was meeting jane there at 2pm but she wasn't there..so i called her and you know wad? she havent even left home yet..and she just only bathed..i was so damn fed up la..she told me to wait for her for 15 minutes but instead of 15 min she made me wait for like damn bloody 40 min..i waited inside the boots and shoes shop cos i dun like ppl passing by to look at me if i stand outside b&s..so i just walk here and there..look here and there in the shop..for the 40 min..and the shop attendants looked at me as if i was gonna steal something...but i totally wasn't so i faked someone calling me and said i was waiting for him and her..finally i gave up and stood outside the shop and ppl were looking at me suddenly i heard someone calling me..i recognised the voice but i can't recognise the face cos it was jane and she let down her hair..damn pretty la she...so i was like asking her if she asked me to wait for her for 15 min or 50 min..so we went down to ask the driver passenger service if there was any direct bus to NAFA..but the uncle kept directing us to Nanyang poly instead..haiz..until we told them that it was at Bugis then they told us to take bus 960...we asked 2 bus drivers and they both told us to take 960 but we werent convinced so we waited for bus 960 to come and we asked the driver himself and he said the bus was not going there...so we decided to take the mrt cos we were running out of time..we went up to the mrt passenger service counter and asked them but they werent sure where NAFA was..so we were like standing at the booth when suddenly the uncle at the counter called us over and he finally told us the way..we were so damn grateful..so we sort of slept our way to bugis..then when we finally reached bugis we walked out butstill didnt know the way to NAFA we went back down to the customer service and the lady asked us to turn right and walk out of exit C..so we walked and dat was just the way out of the mrt..and it was raining..and jane was like asking me..hey did you see any 7 eleven store and i was like no but i saw a guardian store,why? and she was like..i wanna see umbrellas..haha:)so we decided to just walk and asked people on the way..we walked under the rain but we finally found our way thanks to a lady..it turned out she should be from that school too ba and i think she thought we wanted to study there ba cos she directed us to the registeration counter..diaoz..anyway we approached a guide and jane was like asking her..er is there any goodie bag?haha..anyway the tour guide brought us everywhere but the bad thing bout NAFA is that their buldings were like roads apart literally..to get to the fashion design bulding from the first bulding..we had to cross roads...anyway their mascot's cute!! wanted to take pic with it but forgot..we saw joakim when we were getting our goodie bags..we practically saw joakim all over the buildings gosh!!you'll know wad i mean if you read btw the lines..anyway after that we found our way to bugis junction and looked at the clothes there..there was top shop..bet joo joo bird would be glad to talk bout if she were or werent there...haha:)anyway we almost played with everything we could get our hands on...we laughed non stop la...den we tried taking pic of ourselves with caps but the shop attendant scolded us and said that no photo taking was allowed..but we managed to take a shot..haha den we rushed out of the shop...got lots of stories la..haha i would tell you in person if you wanna know but if i were to type it all out..i think my hand wouldnt be able to move tomorrow..haha:) den we bought food and we went to the mrt station area but couldnt find a place to sit..and jane was so tired dat she sat on the floor so i also sat with her..but i stood up after that and jane looked at me so cutely asking me to sit down i wanted to but when i saw a group of guys...i didnt i just looked at jane..i wanted to ask her to stand up but i was laughing at her cute face and didnt manage to tell her that there were guys looking at her..but they were looking at me questioningly as if asking why my friend's sitting on the floor...we were like so damn embarrassed especially jane dat she quickly stood up and scolded me for not telling her that there were guys looking and i gave up giving excuses cos i was at fault...haha but she got her revenge back by making me carry water into the mrt and the uncle at the control room was looking at me...wad the hell..anyway we encountered incidents in the mrt..okay i was asking jane to send me the pics we took at bugis junction and she asked me to hold the drink and irealised that water was dripping onto an old woman's lap in front of me so i quickly passed it to jane cos my hp also kana water the old lady wasnt happy liao lor...den jane was like so engrossed in her phone dat she didnt realise dat she was also dripping water on the old lady's lap..until the old lady jerked showing her anger and frustrations dat jane found out wad happened...haha..i or we kept apologising..but the lady was later appeased when she saw my handwet from trying to stop the water from falling onto her lap...later the lady left with her supposed husband as i conclude and we saat on their chairs...fortunately i brought tissue and passed it to jane and there was dis lady at the other end looking at jane wiping the bottle as if it was something interesting to watch..then we saw this bangla wearing orange shirt and he was standing holding the pole and we saw his armpit hair and were laughing all the way...turned out he wasn't a bangla but when he sat across us..he turned into a she chinese..haha..anyway we talked bout many laughable things..for more info:SEE JANE'S BLOG..

P.S.i was laughing in the bus but pretended to cough..thanks to jane..nobody looked at me..haha:)

Blogged @ Sunday, February 03, 2008
Don't let me go -

Saturday, January 19, 2008

ytd the hong kong students came to our school..haiz oneof them very the cute lor but den he's very tall and lanky..jane cindy lanny and i wanted to go and take photo with him and his friends but we missed the chance lor..haiz so sad la..den we went to ngee ann poly...actually before we went to ngee ann i met 2 jonathan(s)..one is jonathan khoo another is jonathan kwok..when we wnt ngee ann we received goody bags..i saw this guy with lots of pimple on the face but i wanted to find out which school he was in cos i was curious about his school u cos it looks a bit like chun cheng high school u so i as him" er..excuse me..may i noe wad school u r frm?" you know wad he ask me..."why?" i mean it's as if i wanna get to know him la..just finding out the school right...ask as if i'm so interested in him...den we went to take the shuttle bus around the poly..we got down at the first stop vos cindy tot it was biomedical engineering when it was medical engineering actually..so we waited for another shuttle bus..and we took the bus till it reached the engineering block where there is like aerospace tingy..nobody got down den we met dis cute guy..he asked from outside the bus why nobody wanted to get down..haha..too bad..so we went to the humanities block where there is psychology and community services..the things there are fun where there is magic and also some other things like child care kinda stuff so it was okay la..but the tour guides there are damn luo sor la...like they dun let us go off cos the girl talk so much even if we said we not interested in child care..haiz..anyway..we went t the mass com block..it was the most fun and the lecturer was so damn nice to us la:) everything there was fun then we went to take the bus..and we saw the cute guy again..he was the tour guide this time..his name is jonathan chia..taking year 3 engineering lor...he was fun as a tour guide..den we went to the convention centre and walked here and there..before we left we got the chance to take photo with him lor..i ask one okay..he was so damn shy la..he left right after he took the shot...but i thanked him right before he left..:)den we went to the business area where they asked if we wanted a passport..i was shocked lor..need passport one ar?haha:)actually we wernt interested in business but we tot we heard someone singing so we wen t there sos we tot maybe the s-pop havent finish yet...turn out is the np students singing..but we went around to see wad they had and i found out that they also had business psychology in year 2..cool right?then we did a hand print also...and took a look around..the tourism area was so damn lively lor..cool man...den when we were about to leave the guy at the exit there asked if i knew him and some other girl amanda or i dunno the name la..forgot le..so i said no and he said nevermind..then when we were about to cross the road.. a shuttle bus dat was going round np was in front so i hand sign to the driver if i could cross and he said yes and asked me to move first..but jane lanny and cindy told me not to cross but i keep telling them to cross..diaoz..dey only crossed after they saw the driver asking us to move..when we cross liao den we found out that the tour guide in the bus was the jonathan chia lor...so we found our way out and we stopped for about half an hour to watch the hip hop competition and i met my senior kimberly lor...den we wnt home trying to find wad bus number to take...we took bus 184..den we went home damn tired...the end:D

Blogged @ Saturday, January 19, 2008
Don't let me go -

Thursday, December 6, 2007

okay now bout the sad ones...quarrelled wif my parents..got damn lots of prob...at home..dey kept finding fault wid me..the hell!!accused me of telling mr raj bout our domestic affairs and i sincerely truly didnt tell and it was actually my dad...liar..!!he didnt dare tell my mom and when i tried to tell my mom he asked me to shut up!!and i was accused...just where in the world would you find parents who would find fault or criticize their own children in front of others even strangers!!the hell!! just ytd my father scolded my bro n i at the coffee shop and made a public scene and u know wad for?? a cup of coffee!! the hell!!and he chased us away!!in front of everyone!! really!!my life is so damn upside down already and he still added such a painful headache!!

Blogged @ Thursday, December 06, 2007
Don't let me go -

haiz..dese few days not sian cos full of prob anyway got a lot to tell u ppl...so i'll start wif the happy one first...

okay..actually dis happened quite sometime ago onli i forgot to post only..the date should be 26 november...a monday..cos dat day i went to schl for ambassador stuff..okay so it all started when i was supposed to meet yan yi at about 10 am but she was late i met lenny at the bus interchange and sat with her..talk a bit la den i ask her why she didnt go into the lane..she told me dat the other councillor in the lane was isaac teo and no one else so she didnt wanna go in wid him cos it would feel really weird...den bus came and she left..and yan yi still hadnt reached..my hp no money so cant ask yan yi where she was..haiz...den lucky iffah came...she was supposed to meet vivian chew,ching yee,nazirah and zyann..i hadnt bot my stockins yet so i wanted to ask yan yi to follow me since we were to report by 11.30 and we were meeting quite early so we had time but yanyi was late and iffah called yan yi for me and we decided to go together cos yanyi was still at home...diaoz..so we went to buy together..nice of iffah to accompany me..den she hadnt even eaten her breakfast and dat zyann didnt buy the food iffah asked her to buy..zhen shi de!!den when we finished our shopping zyann and the rest took cab to schl..yan yi still hadnt reached the interchange yet she was still at her house bus stop..aaiyo..so iffah and i waited for her and u know wad happened? the tone of the stockings dat i bought was too light!!and i couldnt wear it..haiz..den iffah threw the wrapper for the stockings into the dustbin and i had to search for it (in the dustbin) cos i needed to bring it back to metro to change...eureka!!i cant believe it!!the wrapper was like so dirty and crumpled..haiz but i tried to make do with it..the G.O.H was the minister of edu..den hor..his bodyguard is a GIRL!! leh...OMG!! when dey entered the schl hall edward wanted to ask them...what is this? haha..guess u all dunno the joke ba!! too bad:)okay cut ll the crap till the end of the day.......ok i was going home withe yanyi viv val 2 isaacs edward and some more other ambassadors..yanyi was walking damn slow lor cos she said that wearing cord shoes hurt...i had to walk slow with her lor...den yuan ben viv and the rest were in front of us by a few steps de lor den suddenly when i look up dey were so up ahead before us!!only den did i realise dat yy and i were walking damn slow lor!! so i ask yanyi to walk faster...btw we were outside schl onli...so when we finally turned round the curve towards the bus stop...viv and the rest were at the bus stop le...and yy n i were only starting to walk down the straight line to the bus stop...so i cant take it anymore i told yanyi "bye bye:)i go first kay!c u at the bus stop:)" den i started running...yan yi was shouting at me "hey!iris dun like dat la!fine huh!!" but of course i'm not so bad as to leave her there right so i stopped and waited for her looked up and den i saw a bird above me and told yan yi.."hey i saw a bird hor den i tot its gonna shit on me lei"...den when yan yi reached me... we started walking together den 1,2,3 plat!! bloody bird shit on me leh!!first time in my life!!bloody hell!!!aargh!! it was disgusting and it dropped at the side of my fringe and obviously stuck a bit on my face!! e sin si ren le lor!!i kept cursing dat bloody bird all the way to the bus stop and told viv and the rest when they asked me...wa lau so damn unlucky lor!!went to causeway changed the stockings washed my bloody face den played at timezone den went home lor..den i told cindy recently bout the bird shit thing and she told me dat i was lucky not unlucky...er diaoz??

Blogged @ Thursday, December 06, 2007
Don't let me go -